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Last edited on: July 31, 2013.

Meet Bruce Marchiano, a familiar face in Christian movies. He’s best known for playing Jesus in a number of movies including The Encounter, The Lion of Judah, The Visual Bible: Acts, and The Gospel According to Matthew.

Bruce Marchiano: Glory to Jesus! It’s a blessing to be with you!

SCH: Thanks! So tell us, when did you first decide you wanted to be an actor?

Bruce Marchiano: I was 12 or 13 when I began focusing on an acting career, inspired by a Dustin Hoffman film.  I remember sitting in the theater and even at that young age I could see that he was heads and tails above the rest, and I was just totally intrigued.

I walked out of that film saying to myself, “This is what I want to do.” I remember I got the sound tracks from all these Broadway musicals and would act them all out in my room, over and over.

I got involved in high school productions and just couldn’t get enough of it.  I began acting classes… and just carried on advancing toward a real career.  Little did I know the Lord was preparing to do films for HIM! Wonderful!

Bruce Marchiano in The Encounter: Paradise Lost; Photo Courtesy of Pure Flix Entertainment

SCH: What was your first film/television role?

Bruce Marchiano: Haha! I’m always a bit embarrassed by this question because at the time it was such a major event for me but looking back it was so tiny.

But I guess a guy has to begin somewhere, haha! It was on a classic TV show, Murder, She Wrote. I had two lines, and you can’t imagine how many hours I spent rehearsing them, haha!

The funny thing is we were shooting on the Universal Studios lot. I was walking from the make-up trailer to the set and a tour bus rode by.  They all began taking pictures of me, haha!  I had lots of laughs over that one.

Bruce Marchiano runs his own ministry; Photo Courtesy of Marchiano Ministries

SCH: What impact has your faith had on your acting career?

Bruce Marchiano: I could write for pages on this one.  Needless to say, it has had a MASSIVE impact.  With my Mediterranean heritage, I was consistently cast in bad guy roles.

Then shortly after I came to Jesus my career went into a terrible slump, and I remember a friend suggesting I take this/that action.  But I looked at him and said, “No, I think the Lord wants me to start playing nice guys.”

The next role I was cast in was Jesus – the “nicest guy,” if you will, in universal history, haha! And I’ve never looked back. Today, I don’t think I’m capable of playing a bad guy even if I wanted to (which i don’t!) – the Lord has done such a wonderful work inside me that I wouldn’t be convincing – people would laugh! That is just one small example.

Bruce Marchiano has played roles in Encounter 2,Revelation Road and The Gospel According to Matthew; Photo Courtesy of Bruce Marchiano

On top of that, the kinds of films I’m interested to do has completely been transformed, and the Lord has given me a tremendous sense of responsibility about it because these films influence lives.

Yes, I’ve lost agents because of this stance and blah blah blah, but to quote Pastor Chuck Smith, “You’re either part of the problem of part of the solution.”  At the end of the day I have to stand before God for what I did with the gifts he gave me, so… Praise Jesus!

SCH: What led to you becoming the “Jesus” actor?

Bruce Marchiano: It is a long testimony but to give you the quick version – I felt the Lord asking me to join a missions team that was looking for actors for dramas to be done in high schools and all. I was mortified – I mean, here I was a professional actor and the Lord was asking me to do kiddies dramas!

I really struggled but eventually gave in and went on the trip. To cut to the chase, it was the leader of that missions team who first heard about the casting of Jesus for The Gospel of Matthew and called me about it.  And the rest is history.

Bruce Marchiano, actor is best known for playing Jesus in many films; Photo Courtesy of Visual Bible

Because of that missions trip I fought with God about, I’ve enjoyed the most remarkable privilege anyone can imagine – portraying Jesus in films that touch countless lives; bringing Him “to life” for people.

So I guess the lesson is, wahtever the Lord says, rush to do it!  Because His plan for your life is WAY beyond anything you can imagine for yourself.  Glory to Jesus!

SCH: What do you do to get into character as Jesus?

Bruce Marchiano: For me it is 90% burying myself in God’s Word and burying my face in the carpet in prayer, because if He, by His Spirit, doesn’t “shine through,” then I’m just another actor in a robe/sandals.

So I approach it as a mission in full understanding that people will make eternal decisions based on what they see me (as Jesus) do.

Bruce Marchiano on set for the New Jesus Movie; Photo Courtesy of Marchiano Ministries

At the same time, there is a great deal of actor prep, which is basically a process of combing through Jesus’ actions/choices, scene by scene, and asking, “Why would He do that in this situation?  Why does He say these specific words?”

You see, a man’s heart is revealed through His actions/choices, and it is the heart that must be brought to life. I’m convinced that most people know the Gospel events – what they don’t know is the heart of Jesus.

What they don’t know is His nature and Person.  What they don’t know is the depth of His love and care.  So these are what I focus on and aim for.

Bruce Marchiano on set for the New Jesus Movie; Photo Courtesy of Marchiano Ministries

SCH: What is the biggest challenge with playing such powerful roles?

Bruce Marchiano: Off the top of my head I would say keeping it simple and not trying to over-do it.  Especially in the role of Jesus, you have to restrain this urge to make every syllable so big and impacting.

But it’s God’s Word, so you need to trust that the power is there already.  Another challenge is making it real as opposed to “religious.”

These are iconic scenes and you’re SO aware that this is God you’re representing – but 2000 years ago on the day it actually happened it was as practical as a “Man” interacting with other men and women.

So yes, I would say the huge challenge is keeping it simple and real, and not trying to over-do the work of the Words that are already packed with life-changing power.

Bruce Marchiano on set for the New Jesus Movie; Photo Courtesy of Marchiano Ministries

SCH: Tell us about your latest films being released this year.

Bruce Marchiano: I’m thrilled to see the release of For Love’s Sake, which I shot in December last year, and one of the few films that I don’t portray Jesus, haha!

It’s a story about a family torn apart by tragedy, kids being thrown into “the system,” a mom struggling with addictions and a father tragically killed… And how the Lord puts it all back together.  It’s a true testimony based on the writer/director’s life – he was one of those children.

So I’m extremely thrilled to be part of it. I play the role of a therapist who is the one guy who believes that this mother can overcome her problems and regain her family.  Together we stand against a sea of opposition.  But he knows, “With God all things are possible!” and the rest is history. Exciting!

Bruce Marchiano wants to use his ministry in a powerful way to glorify God; Photo Courtesy of Marchiano Ministries

SCH: Is there any additional projects that you are currently working on?

Bruce Marchiano: I just completed shooting another Jesus film to be released in the fall, titled Come Follow Me, and I’m developing a script that places Jesus in the midst of the darkest circumstance you could imagine (stay tuned!).

At the same time, many of your readers will know that I’m developing a major Jesus film “for a new generation,” that will be on a scale of the biggest blockbusters.  What a BLESSING to be with you!  Glory to Jesus!


Click here to learn all about Bruce Marchiano’s New Jesus Movie

Ready for another wonderful celebrity interview? Don’s miss The Lost Medallion – An Indiana Jones-type Family Adventure:  Interview with Producer Bill Muir


Sharon Wilharm is a writer and filmmaker who helps spread the word about other Christian filmmakers with her Faith Flix blog. She and her husband have been making feature films for the past decade and are currently working on The Good Book, an evangelistic silent film. Their film Flowers for Fannie will be released to stores nationwide October 15th.




As a women’s magazine, created for Christian Women, Sonoma Christian Home offers articles by bestselling authors on a variety of topics including: daily devotions, Christian reviews of movies, family movie ratings, celebrity interviews, relationship advice, interior design ideas, everyday gourmet recipes and so much more! Sign up now to get the best articles of the week delivered right to your inbox – Click Here to Subscribe – it’s free!

6 Responses

  1. Roman Stojka

    Hello-how are you? Semi much like your film, the Gospel According to Matthew, I’m learning about God better slovo.podle filmu.Já that I am a Christian Pentecostal Church of Brno Potter House. with my Pastor Ipe Toren like watching your movies and recently we showed in our church your Film the couter. The film took me so that we have established a Facebook page, not only for Christians, and the page you are subscribed to appoint Last Šance.Chtěl you are zeptet if you also do not have any more movies for your křestany.Viděl I and your videos where preaching the word of God, but unfortunately I can not English and therefore translate the words of the translator so sorry for chyby.Bůh bless ya te is beautifully

  2. Sônia Acioli

    I already loved Jesus with all my heart, but after watching the film the Gospel According to Matthews, I definitely fell in love for Jesus forever. Bruce could convey a Jesus that was already in my heart, I simply could not express it in the way Bruce did as an actor. I was greatly blessed by it.


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