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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: July 10, 2013.

He intentionally fired into the air, but his political rival, Vice-President Aaron Burr, took deadly aim and fatally shot him in a duel JULY 11, 1804.

Born in the West Indies, he fought in the Revolution and was aide-de-camp to General Washington.

He helped write the Constitution and convinced States to ratify it by writing The Federalist Papers.

His name was Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the U.S. Treasury.

Alexander Hamilton had written in “The Farmer Refuted,” February 23, 1775:

“The Supreme Being gave existence to man, together with the means of preserving and beautifying that existence…and invested him with an inviolable right to personal liberty and personal safety.”

Alexander Hamilton continued:

“The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old parchments or musty records. They are written, as with a sunbeam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the Hand of the Divinity itself, and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.”

Alexander Hamilton concluded:

“Good and wise men, in all ages…have supposed that the Deity, from the relations we stand in to Himself, and to each other, has constituted an eternal and immutable law, which is indispensably obligatory upon all mankind…This is what is called the law of nature…dictated by God himself.”

In a speech at the Constitutional Convention, June 22, 1787, Alexander Hamilton spoke of the biblical concept that mankind has a sinful nature:

“Take mankind as they are, and what are they governed by? Their passions. There may be in every government a few choice spirits, who may act from more worthy motives. One great error is that we suppose mankind is more honest that they are.”

After the Constitution was written, 1787, Alexander Hamilton wrote:

“I sincerely esteem it a system which without the finger of God, never could have been suggested and agreed upon by such a diversity of interests.”

Alexander Hamilton stated:

“Liberty is a gift of the beneficent Creator to the whole human race…Civil liberty…cannot be wrested from any people, without the most manifest violation of justice.”

On April 16, 1802, Alexander Hamilton wrote to James Bayard:

“Let an association be formed to be denominated ‘The Christian Constitutional Society,’ its object to be first: The support of Christian religion; second: The support of the United States.”





William J. Federer is a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America’s noble heritage.

To learn more about the author please visit  William Federer


3 Responses

  1. Elaine

    Thank you for publishing this article and introducing me to the author. I find the systematic desecration of our American History soul shattering, and Mr. Federer’s writings both refreshing and enlightening. I fear our citizenry is being duped into believing false and dangerous teachings. Christian-Judeo Values were an integral component of the fabric of our Country. I am excited to learn of this author, as his study’s and writings appear very encouraging.

  2. Bruno

    “He intentionally fired into the air…” How do you know Hamilton’s intentions? Reputable historians are still unsure because of contradicting evidence. Sure, Hamilton was against dueling and even wrote that he wished it wasn’t going to happen. But why did he even agree to the duel sparked by his malicious remarks of Burr? Furthermore, Hamilton brought the pistols to the duel and engineered his pistol to have a quicker trigger release. So, he cheated. And his cheating probably caused him to shoot the gun too early. But by choosing the gun with the mechanical advantage, Hamilton may have desired to kill Burr. Maybe you shouldn’t make such definite claims, especially when you claim to be an educational resource.


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