John Finch’s mission is to educate, encourage, and equip men to become the fathers they were created to be, help men walk in daily awareness of their significant and lifelong influence as fathers, and inspire men to become better fathers.
John tells us his own testimony, and the reason for his inspiration:
In the Spring of 2009, I was playing golf with a friend of mine. I was telling him about some of the struggles I was having at the time and he turned to me and said, “John, you grew up without a dad, right?”
I replied, “Yes, I did, but I have an amazing mom.” I went on to give him a great ten-minute explanation about how my mom is the most incredible mother a boy could ever ask for.
Once I was finished, he said, “But was she a dad?”
In that moment, I came to realize the significant impact of growing up without a father and the lifelong influence it had had on my life. I also realized that even though I had the most amazing mom in the world, she could not be a dad. She could not replace a father and the everlasting effect that a dad has on a young man growing up.
My friend went on to explain how a “father wound” can happen in many ways. For example, it can be a dad never saying I love you, a dad verbally or physically abusing a child, or an emotionally or physically absent dad, one who chooses to do other things rather than spending time with his kids.
My dad committed suicide when I was eleven years old and I had no idea how that act would shape and mold me into the boy, man, husband, and father I was. Because I didn’t have a father growing up, guiding and directing me through life and showing me what a Godly man is suppose to look like, I bought into all that the world tells us we need to be as men.

When thinking of fathers, John Finch was reminded of Hebrews 13:5, "And Jesus said, 'I will never leave you. I will never forsake you.'"
The world convinces us that “real men” need success, money, power, the ability to drink a lot of alcohol, a great job title, and expensive things like big houses and nice cars.
In February of 2010, I finally surrendered to God and took a step towards Him for help in healing my father wound. It was one of the most difficult roads I have ever travelled, but I would do it all again. God showed me forgiveness my dad and it changed my life forever.
God gave me a new perspective about life, my wife, and my kids. And He gave me a peace, freedom and hope I never imagined was possible. If you grew up without a dad, with an abusive dad, or with an absent dad, God wants to do the same for you. All you have to do is take a step towards Him.
To learn more about The Father Effect, visit the Official Website
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