Evangelistic Film a Hit Among Maasai Villagers
Neither rain nor mosquitoes could dampen the spirits of a Kenyan ministry leader who recently witnessed the impact of the “JESUS” film in one Maasai community. Here is his report:
We have been busy reaching out to the unreached with the gospel through the “JESUS” film with great results!
Beloved, it is so amazing how people who live in these unreached primitive areas are thirsty for the Word. They walk for many miles at night in the bush, through the rain, to come and hear the gospel communicated in their own languages through the “JESUS” film.

A Christian Aid-assisted ministry uses the “JESUS” film as an evangelistic tool to bring the Word of God to life; Photo Credit of Christian Aid Mission.
These are people who have never gone to school, but when you disciple and teach them about prayer, they are completely sold out for it. They can even go for days without eating anything as they fast, pray, and seek the Lord with all their hearts.
Hauling the heavy film equipment in the back of our truck, we arrived at one village and saw that a huge crowd had already assembled for that night’s open air evangelistic crusade. Each night after the film showing was over, people kept coming to our team and I, asking us to pray with them to receive Christ. So instead of packing up the equipment, we stayed busy praying for people. Some even wanted us to go to their homes to pray and bless them. What a great joy to see souls coming into the kingdom of God. What a great joy to serve the King of kings.
People stood for a long time in the rain and mud to hear the gospel for the first time. I was bitten by mosquitoes while setting up the film in the evenings. Right now I am sick from malaria. In the bush sometimes you cannot avoid being bitten by mosquitoes that carry the disease. I am feeling so bad, but my greatest joy is that many souls came to the Lord and they are going to spend eternity with Him.

A gospel worker sets up the screen in preparation for showing the “JESUS” film to villagers; Photo Courtesy of Christian Aid Mission.
Thousands came to the evangelistic outreach held each evening before the showing of the film. What a great joy to see all these souls being reached.
The harvest is ripe but the workers are few. Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send workers to the harvest field. The doors are very much opened for the gospel in remote areas here. This is our time to take the gospel to these unreached people groups.
We are so glad and really thank the Lord for the way you have been able to continue standing with us through your prayers and your generosity. You are a great blessing to us and God’s mission work in Kenya. Our mission has been able to grow because of your prayers and generosity.
Christian Aid Mission has assisted the Kenyan ministry for over a decade, providing financial support for gospel workers and helping with maintenance and repairs for the group’s film truck.
The ministry is requesting $2,500 this year to cover traveling costs for their movie outreach. This includes $300 for a 10 ft. x 10 ft. tent where they can set up the equipment for “JESUS” film showings, and the remainder f or fuel, insurance, and vehicle servicing expenses.
Seeing hundreds of people commit their hearts to Christ brings immense joy to the film teams, but their work does not stop there. By the end of next year the ministry hopes to plant 100 churches in remote villages where they have held evangelistic events. They also would like to start a Bible training school in Nairobi, where believers can be equipped to serve as church leaders and missionaries.
“Our mission is not ‘hit and run,'” explained the ministry leader. “In addition to winning souls through the ‘JESUS’ film, we want to make disciples, establish them in their new faith, train them, and then send them to help saturate unreached parts of Kenya with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Prayer Requests:
- A great spiritual awakening as Kenyan villagers respond to the dramatic presentation of the gospel through the “JESUS” film.
- Wells for rural villages that are in dire need of clean water. The ministry desires to install wells as part of its community outreach.
- Wisdom and financial resources as ministry officials consider building a pastors’ training college in the capital.
For more information on this project and organization, visit ChristianAid.org
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