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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: August 10, 2015.

New breakthrough discoveries are made every day about health and healing. In 2012, when conventional medicine had given up on a cure for my husband’s bladder cancer, we found a world of integrative approaches to health and healing, new medicine that healed him completely in less than 10 months. He’s been cancer free now for nearly 3 years and is feeling fabulous.

The experience was so transformational — physically, emotionally, spiritually and relationally — that I wrote a book about it to honor God and help others become aware of integrative approaches to health and healing. It’s titled “Healed, Healthy and Whole, How We Beat Cancer with Integrative Therapies and Essential Healing Strategies.”


After the book came out, many people asked me if I could go deeper into the healing principles discussed in the book. So, I designed the Healed, Healthy and Whole seminars that we teach monthly now in Pasadena.


If you are interested in knowing more about the book or the seminars please visit our website at I look forward to meeting you one day and hearing your healing story!

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