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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: December 10, 2015.

Despite the consuming news of tragic terrorism most recently in California, there is a great deal of entertainment media that is inspiring, hopeful, and redemptive at this season. This uplifting, redemptive programming includes profoundly inspiring movies. In the theaters, Juliet Stevenson performs Mother Teresa with her humble and gently loving spirit in the profoundly inspirational and timely movie “The Letters” that has been released December 4.

Following the opening night, on December 5, The Examiner Times describes Mother Teresa’s in her life and in the movie’s depiction of her as most concerned with offering care and comfort to the masses (largely India’s Hindus and Muslims in the early days of India’s independence) who are starving, sick or dying. Mother Teresa’s courage, focus, and sacrificial unconditional love despite resistance from many fronts is deeply inspiring. Her commitment to prayer, following her Lord’s leading in all she does, and love for all, which includes her enemies and those who reject her faith, is striking especially in today’s world of extreme brutality, violence, and terror in the name of religion. She is an incarnate example of what the Bible describes as pure religion.  


The Letters 2015: photo courtesy Big Screen Productions V

Across platforms of media entertainment delivery are other pristine, pure, inspirational movies now available on DVD, such as the memory movie “Little Boy,” the documentary “Dropbox,” and the movie “Noble” that is also based on a remarkable true story. The movie “Little Boy” presents a story and metaphor about the power of the faith of an innocent child. “Dropbox” is based on the true story of the unconditional care and love of a Korean pastor, his wife, and family in providing the needs of disabled and discarded children. Further, the movie “Noble” is also now available through Netflix. It is based on the true story of Christina Noble who rescues millions of orphaned children living on the streets of Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City.

Noble movie poster

Noble 2015: photo courtesy Destiny Films

All three of these movies have been in theaters this year and now are available through Netflix and other movie sources. All three movies and others like them enable viewers to think on what is excellent and worthy of praise. These are things that are pure, true, honorable, as well as right, lovely, and admirable. (The Bible) Today there are more and more movies in theaters, on television, on DVDs, as well as via streaming that are enlightening and encouraging, as well as entertaining.

The Drop Box card

These movies and many more like them depict examples, often based on real events, of true and divine love that has the following hallmarks: it is patient; it is kind; it does not envy; it does not boast; it is not proud; it does not dishonor others; is not self-seeking; it is not easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs; does not delight in evil; rejoices with the truth; always protects; always trusts; always hopes; and always perseveres. This is the kind of Love that never fails.  This kind of Love Lights up the world and the darkness can’t put it out. (The Bible)

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