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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: January 17, 2016.

After being involved with a brutal knife attack while serving 8 years in prison, a former gang leader finds his faith in God. Now being released back into the community, he vows to protect and serve his community as a pastor.

Rebuilding a church in the middle of a Hispanic gang territory in Brooklyn, the Pastor attempts to provide a safe, alternative solution to the gang life that is constantly taking the lives of the youth in the community.

However, as gang tensions heat up, one gang leader targets the Pastor’s new mission by vandalizing his church, kidnapping his wife, and threatening his life.

Trying to maintain his newfound faith, the Pastor now must decide to return to his violent dark past, or hold onto to his new calling.

Starring Arturo Muyshondt, The Pastor will be a captivating film you will not want to miss.

You can see The Pastor in theaters starring on January 25th!

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