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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: February 23, 2016.

For SHINEBRIGHT (formerly Shine Bright Baby), comprised of Emily Irene and husband Nathan, just the possibilities are no longer enough. With the launch of their sophomore album Only You, they are definitely not settling.

Emily poured herself into each song, allowing the truth of her life experiences—good and bad—to be the sonic landscape upon which each track would be built. “Limitless” (ft. Rapture Ruckus) comes straight from Philippians and Paul’s ardent message that in Christ anything is possible. Emily wrote “Closer to the Sun ” while on a plane looking down at a world of possibility and hope below. “Spectacle of Light” found its genesis in a season of struggle. “Only You” came from fear of rejection or failure.

“I wrote these while I was struggling with depression ” shares Emily. “Sometimes to deal with the pain, I would play my piano and sing worship songs alone. I had such a longing to burn for the Lord and not feel numb any longer.”


Only You Lyrics

Waking up in the night by visions so bright
Talk to you about my dreams all the time
Only You, only You
Locked away inside where no one can find
All the things in my heart
You know I hold them tight
Only You, only You

Now I’ll say it out loud
So that when my dreams come true
It’s because You, only You
Not one person will doubt
Who all the glory goes to
Only You, only You

Waking up to the light of a brand new day
Believing in my dreams and the words I pray
To You, to You
I believe that Your promises are true
What You say in Your word
I know You’ll do
You’ll do

I can be brave
I can be bold
Because You make me so
Because you make me so…

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