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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: December 1, 2016.

Believe movie official trailer- Believe is coming to theaters December 2nd!

Believe is a movie that’s a perfect fit for the holiday season. It’s about a business man named Matthew Peyton (Ryan O’Quinn) who somehow inherits the responsibility to fund the annual Christmas pageant. As his business begins to experience financial hardships, with his workers going on strike, he has to make a choice: either sell his business, which has been in his family for generations, or not fund the Christmas pageant. Both choices have their consequences. At first, the answer seems obvious to Matthew… until he meets a young boy named Clarence (Issac Ryan Brown).

Clarence’s incredible faith and belief in miracles shocks Matthew. Clarence and his mother end up impacting Matthew Peyton’s life in a way only God could have done.

The film is directed by Billy Dickson. Dickson has directed several other projects, but what he is really known for is his cinematography. The cast of Believe is also star-studded. Ryan O’Quinn has been acting in TV series since 1996, and has multiple films coming out within the next year. Ryan Issac Brown is perhaps the most surprising. At his young age, he has already acted in a plethora of TV shows, and even starred in Batman v. Superman!

Believe is produced by Power of 3, a company with no previous film credits. It comes to theaters on December 2nd.


Visit the films’ official website here.

Click here to get tickets to the film.

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