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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: November 7, 2017.

More details recently surfaced about the Narnia: The Silver Chair movie!

It was announced earlier this year that Joe Johnston was attached to direct the fourth installment of the Chronicles of Narnia franchise. Joe Johnston is a respected director, credited with classic works such as October Sky, Captain America: The First Avenger, and Honey I Shrunk the Kids. He’s had experience with a large variety of films, from low budget indie movies to major studio blockbusters. He’s also had valuable experience working on starting and continuing franchises, including the Captain America films and the Jurassic Park series.

After the sequel to the hugely popular Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe performed below expectations, Disney dropped Narnia and 20th Century Fox picked it up. However, for whatever reason Fox decided to discontinue the series after they released the third film, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Though two major studios didn’t believe the Narnia books would amount to a successful extended series, there were still many prolific producers interested in the property. Eventually, the Mark Gordon picked up the series for a fourth film, and Sony Pictures’ Tristar came on board for distribution.

Since the announcement of a director, there hasn’t been much news on the next Narnia movie… until now. At a convention in France, reporters had the chance to converse with Joe Johnston on the film’s development. According to the interview, David Magee’s script is currently being changed and developed. Also, he expects filming to begin in southern New Zealand in winter of 2018.

Perhaps the most surprising news is that Joe Johnston announced the Silver Chair would be his last film before retiring from the movie industry. With a release date of 2019, we’re excited about seeing this family-friendly movie come to life! Watch the video above, beginning at the 7 minute mark, for more information!

Click here to watch the trailer for Pure Flix’s new movie Samson!



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