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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: June 17, 2014.

Three Frogs Were Sitting On a Log…two of them resolved to jump off. How many were left?

Well, actually … three. Because resolving rarely produces results, and deciding doesn’t always get the job done.  Action is what it takes!

It’s the first month of the new year and now is the time for Busy Business Women to be purposeful about reordering their life.

Resolutions … NO!

Taking Action … YES!

What’s the difference?

Resolutions are those dreamy ideas that make a lot of sense as they float around in our head at the turn of the year. But, come mid February, are we acting on them?  Well, quite often the answer is “no.”.

Why not?  Perhaps we have overlooked a key principle of life change:

Slow but steady wins the race!

What if you — a Busy Business Woman — resolve to have more intentional and focused time at home with your family? How might you act on that?

  • Set a personal goal that you intensely desire. “I desire to be more intentional and focused with my family in the evenings before bedtime.” Therefore, my action plan to accomplish my goal is: I am going to turn off my cell phone and disregard emails until after dinner and the kids are in bed.
  • Believe you can achieve that goal.  Make it challenging — causing you to stretch beyond your current comfort zone– but not impossible. It IS a stretch to turn off your cell phone, but it is also doable. Your children deserve focused attention, sustained eye contact, and meaningful touch. This cannot happen with a cell phone to your ear or your eyes on a laptop.
  • Write it down in complete, clear and concise detail. This will be the most important step! Writing down your goals creates the road map to your success. Just the act of writing goals and action plans down can set the process in motion.  It is also extremely important to review your goals and action plans frequently. Remember, the more focused you are on them — the more likely you are to succeed.
  • Identify the obstacles you will have to overcome to achieve your goal. How might you sabotage your own efforts? (“I can’t be out of touch. Someone at work may need me.”) Write them down and then write counter arguments to your sabotaging statements. (“I will tell my boss what I’m doing and arrange another emergency contact.”  “Yes it’s hard but it is worth it to my and my kids!”  “I can do this!”)
  • Clearly identify the people, groups and organizations whose cooperation and assistance you will need in order to achieve your goal. Ask your work and teammates not to contact you at home between 5:00 and 9:00 PM. Your home time is not part of your work time. Your family deserves you too. Your workmates may applaud you.  They may not.  Do it anyway.
  • Get a clear mental picture of your goal as if it were already achieved.  Do not become discouraged with slow progress. People need time to adjust when we change our routines and schedules. If they are used to having you at their beck and call they may be put off by the idea. “What a notion. That woman acts like she has a life of her own. Shame on her!”
  • Remember the Farmers Law: You must sow before you reap. And a crop is never reaped in the same season it is sown.  Slow but steady wins the race.
  • Back your plan with determination and persistence.
  • Never Give Up! The best plan on earth will not work unless you do!

“You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do.” ~Henry Ford

Self discipline is persistence in action!

You can do this!   Yes, you can!

What are your goals for 2014?  How are you making them concrete?  If you would like me to help you clarify a specific goal for 2014 —  email me at  before January 31st at 12 midnight.  Put “Get a Goal!” in the subject line and we will work on  that for you together.


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