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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: May 3, 2015.

We are quick to judge what God does in our lives. We look at the circumstances and then decide whether what He is doing is “right,” in our opinion. It’s really quite presumptuous, but we do it just the same.

Where do we get our standards of what is right and what is wrong, anyway? Actually, standards come from God Himself. We would have no concept of right and wrong if it were not for the fact that God wrote the definition of “right,” or righteous, for it is a characteristic of His nature. It follows that being made in His image, we have some understanding of what is “right,” even though we can’t live up to it.

Abraham, who was known for his faith, believed God always did what is right. He once reminded God, “Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?” (Genesis 18:25). The answer to that question is obviously “Yes,” for God is absolutely just. There is no partiality with Him.

The assurance that God will do what’s right is encouraging to me, because I see so much injustice in the world. I see so many wrongs that I can’t change. But I can commit what I don’t understand to Him, knowing that the Judge of all the earth will do right because it’s His nature to do so.

Does that same principle apply to the events in your life personally? Will God always do what’s right for you? Absolutely, when you commit your ways to Him.

A man once said to R.A. Torrey, “Sir, you turned your business over to God and it prospered; I turned mine over to Him and it has gone down ever since.” Torrey replied, “If you turned it over to God, why are you worrying about it?”

Yes, if you turn your life over to God, you can trust the Judge of all the earth to do what’s right—whether you understand it or not.

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