you are valuable. beautiful blonde woman standing in flower trees

Why You Are Valuable

We often work hard to be accepted. But Amy Layne Litzelman says that to God you are valuable. He values you far beyond your talent or gifting or goodness. God values you simply because you exist.
unforgettable wisdom

Unforgettable Wisdom

Life is often confusing, but Amy Layne Litzelman helps us see that God is in tune with the big picture. It might not make sense to us at the time, but the pieces will begin to fall into place & we see God's unforgettable wisdom.
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The Treasure Within

From childhood all the way through our adult lives, we think those things that are just out of reach are going to really satisfy, SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman points out that we often lose sight of the fact that we carry within us a Treasure greater than all the "earth contains."

Humble Enough to Receive

Amy Layne Litzelman reminds us that comprehending God's grace is far beyond our human ability. We must humble ourselves before Him so we may stand under the waterfall of his amazing grace.

Marketplace Christians

God began to plant and nurture desires in our hearts even as children. SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman reminds us that it's time to gather in what God has caused to grow.
Old wooden Fence with tall grass in field Sonoma Vineyards getting new eyes

Getting New Eyes

For artists it's not so much about how they draw but how they see. It's like getting new eyes when we see God's perspective. SCH contributor Amy Layne Litzelman writes that when dwelling from this perspective, we see purpose, beauty, and life.