Spring Forth

Are you aching for spring's arrival? SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman is awaiting for more than the grass and flowers, as she encourages us to anticipate the fulfillment of God's promises to spring forth at any moment!
humble places of love An Interesting Abandonded Old Rock Homestead in a Beautiful Field Loaded with the Famous Texa

Humble Places of Love

Amy Layne Litzelman urges us to not be impressed by what is accomplished with hard work but instead "bend low to see those who rest humbly before their Maker." See the humble places of love.
doorways of desire pretty old door with spray of roses

Doorways of Desire

"The dream hibernating within you may be the doorway God has chosen to pour out his glory through you." Amy Layne Litzelman offers a word of encouragement for those struggling with doorways of desire.
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Sing To Him A New Song

"He could have no greater love for us, no deeper commitment, and no stronger tie." SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman reminds us that "our relationship with God overshadows all others." It is worthy of our atoning love and unrelenting praise.
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So Did You Lead

SCH Contributor, Amy Layne Litzelman assures us; "The one thing that we can always encourage each other with is the steady, unfailing, unchanging character of God.
Wooden Fence in Garden.

Threshold Living

Many times the Lord uses every day moments and worldly experiences to speak wisdom and knowledge into our lives . SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman shares her own personal moment of threshold living with clarity, gained simply through an open door.