the truth of God's Word,

My Secret To-Do List

Do you enjoy making lists? SCH Contributor Amy Litzelman shares about her secret to-do list & how to revolutionize your own list & impact your life.

How Heaven Smells

What reminds you of God's grace on earth? SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman reflects on how heaven can be made apparent in everyday life.
God measures success. woman camping and writing

How God Measures Success

Do you ever feel like a failure? SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman reminds us that when God measures success, he uses a measuring stick vastly different from our own.

What We Forget About God

Do you ever feel scared of what's going on in the world? SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman reminds us of God's absolute authority on earth and in heaven.

Embracing the Season

Even those of us who anticipate change have a tendency to hold on to the past to some degree. Collecting treasures as we travel through life is healthy. It’s when we get out of step with the seasons that we get in trouble.