not hurt those in need

How to Help and Not Hurt Those in Need

While folks want to help the less fortunate, it's important to offer true help & not hurt those in need. Institute for Faith, Works & Economics offers ways to determine the degree of help we can be while we love our neighbors.
evangelist Alveda King post-election prayers


MLK's niece says pray for peace as we enter into the new political frontier. Alveda King calls for prayers for unity, peace & understanding.
children win with our new president

Children Win with Our New President

The votes have been tallied and the result is that children win with our new president. If you cast a vote for Trump-Pence, you cast a vote to protect life and how priceless and precious children are, born and ...
faith community prays for new president

Faith Community Prays for New President

As Christians, the faith community prays for new president. God calls us to pray for our leaders regardless of our political leanings and we must obey and lift up our new leader.