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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: November 14, 2016.
Our country has been painfully divided in the days since the results of Election 2016 came in. Protests, riots, and harsh words and judgement are being handed out at a rapid rate. We need understanding. We need patience. We need prayer among citizens and of course, for our leader.
God calls us to pray for our leaders and a new one will soon be in the highest office in our great land. Our prayer as a faith community is vital to the hope of peace and unity.

It is imperative the first thing our next President sees from the Christian community is humble, sincere prayer and intercession being offered.

Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Pastor of Church on the Hill and Director of the Christian Defense Coalition both based in Washington, D.C., comments;

“1 Timothy 2:1-2 states; ‘I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people; for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.’  The Bible encourages Christians to pray for those in leadership regardless if we agree with their policies or oppose them.

“…we are to passionately seek God for His direction, guidance and leading for both regardless of whoever resides in the White House.”

“After a very bitter and divisive campaign season, it is critical that the first thing our next President sees from the Christian community is humble prayer and intersession offered to God on their behalf.  Through prayer, we can see God shift, shape and transform history.”

Rev. Mahoney prays the Inauguration Prayer from President Nixon’s Inauguration offered by Billy Graham.  The link is below.

This article was republished from Christian Newswire with their permission. You can learn more about Christian Newswire at their site.

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