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Stand with Faith

SCH Contributor Heather Riggleman encourages us in times of uncertainty to lay our decisions at the Lord's feet, completely surrendering the process to Him.

The Perfect Gift Isn’t Under the Tree

"The most amazing gifts cannot be wrapped up in a bow! "SCH Contributor, Heather Riggleman takes a moment to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and spending precious time with the ones that hold your heart in their hands.
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Contentment is a Choice

"What if I could taste today and not worry about the obligations of tomorrow?" SCH Contributor, Heather Riggleman urges us to truly consider what we have in the here and now, to drink in all that today has to offer and to hold steady in the moment while the time is still ours to cherish.
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Behind the Mask

Heather Riggleman shares on the issue of keeping up appearances. "For the last eight years–I have painstakingly made the mask of perfection: being the dependable one, being the tough one, being the go-to girl in all situations."
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12 Tips For Cultivating Compassion In Your Kids

This is the example that is set before our children: It’s all about me. I need to be noticed, I need to be famous, I need the best, I need to be happy. So how do we, as moms, change that mindset in our children?