Create a Marriage Vision Statement
Do you want a more detailed idea of where your relationship is going? SCH Contributor Peggy Burns shares how couples can create and stick to their relationship goals.
Peggy is a licensed Marriage and Family therapist in San Francisco, CA. She has been with Christian Counseling Centers San Francisco for more than 10 years. Prior to becoming a licensed therapist she spent several years as a missionary with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). During that time she was involved in counseling and healing ministry to the nations. Peggy is passionate about her Christian faith and finds great joy helping others unlock the treasures placed inside of them. Peggy is an inspirational speaker and has created Love Life Together (Reconnect ~ Rekindle ~ Rejoice) and Inspired Collage TM workshops. Peggy and her husband Bob have been married for 15 years and together are committed to strengthening marriages. Visit her website at:
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