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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: February 9, 2016.

As Valentine’s Day approaches, imagine with your spouse what you would like your lives together to look like by creating a marriage vision statement.  This statement becomes a map to guide you on your life’s journey together.  The more connections you make between yourselves the stronger the fabric of your relationship will become.  This marriage vision statement is not about what you don’t want in your marriage but it defines what you do want to experience together in real-life moments.

As you begin to create a marriage vision statement consider this verse from Psalm 127: “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain that build it”.  Let God be the architect of your lives together and creating your statement.  Pray together asking God to guide you in this process.

You can create a visual marriage statement by collecting images and phrases from magazines. Or you can also develop a good list of questions to ponder as a basic guideline then create a written vision statement.

Below are some areas to consider:

Your Unique Relationship

  • How do we want to spend our time together?
  • What is important to our marriage?
  • What kind of marriage do we want to have?


  • Where do you want to travel this year?
  • What do our weekly dates look like?
  • What hobbies can we share together?


  • How do we want to give this year?
  • What ways do we want to save?
  • Do we have any dreams that facilitate creating financial income?


  • What exercise plan do we want to incorporate in our life this year?
  • How can we encourage healthy eating?


  • How do we want to grow in God together this year?
  • How do we make prayer more apart of our lives?

Creating a marriage vision statement is a great way to strengthen your marriage and add a new level of positivity.  Revisit your marriage vision statement on a quarterly basis.  Put it in a public place in your home to remind you of your vision.

I encourage you to dream with God this year as a couple.

“Where there is no vision (no redemptive revelation of God), the people perish”.   Proverbs 29:18

This my husband Bob and my 2015 marriage vision statement:





Are you ready to draw closer to God in a new way? Authors Suzanne Niles and Wendy Simpson Little can help you go deeper in your faith than ever before!
For a limited time, when you subscribe to the Sonoma Christian Homee-Newsletter, you will get a FREE DOWNLOAD of the first Bible Study from the life-changing new book FAST FRIENDS: The Power of Friendship, Fasting & Prayer!
Click here for your FREE Bible Study and be blessed! –

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