Cultivating Faith

"Our kids won’t live godly lives because we commanded them to, it has to be impressed upon them and walked out in front of them." First, we as mothers are to love our God with all our hearts, souls, and stren...
Valentine Craft Idea - Paper Flower with Heart

Valentine Flower Craft

Valentine’s Day is coming! Let’s spread the love this month and get crafty! As you're gathering treats for your sweetie, and lovies for your kiddos, here’s a fun simple project to make at home, consisting of h...
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Are You Intentional?

I don’t want to be remembered by my kids as always being on the phone or sitting behind my computer screen; I want to be remembered for giving them my full attention when they needed me.

All Things Possible

Are you willing to step beyond yourself and ask God to give you the strength, courage and ability to swing that ax harder or rely on yourself? What is that in your hand? I asked my oldest as she trudged her wa...
wedding children running with balloons

The Myth of Equal Time

Why would God put such a time consuming, labor absorbing, emotionally intense child in the same family as my other compliant, quiet and reserved children?