What Keeps You From Forgiving Your Spouse?- Part II

Do you ever have trouble forgiving your spouse after a conflict? SCH Contributor Pastor Steve Carr shares how asking God to remind you of your own sin and His forgiveness toward you can lead to reconciliation.

What Keeps You From Forgiving Your Spouse?- Part I

Are you having a tough time trying to forgive your spouse of some hurtful offense, or maybe a string of conflicts that have continued unresolved in your marriage? Forgiveness is one very important key to resolving these conflicts.

How to Heal Your Marriage

Are you experiencing feelings of discontent with your spouse? SCH Contributor Terri Haley teaches how to heal your marriage and let love grow.
two cats cuddling on a brick ledge together - When Tragedy Strikes

Appreciating Your Spouse

Do you ever need to be reminded of all the things you love about your significant other? SCH Contributor and Marriage Counselor Peggy Burns explains how sharing appreciations with your spouse can improve your marriage.

Why “The Grass is Always Greener” is a Myth

Is your marriage in need of healing? SCH Contributor Terri Haley reveals the truth behind why "The Grass is Always Greener" is a myth and shares encouragement to fight for a dependable family bond.