Birth Pangs

When will Christ return? Christ has not revealed exactly when He will come, but He has told us signs to watch for. The time of His coiming is unclear: the fact of His coming is certain. Blackaby Daily Devotional.

Judge Not- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

There is a significant difference between judgement and discernment. God sees people's hearts and knows their motives. You will be helpful to others only if you see them as God does.
old stone bridge-french-countryside-cold winter day

Wisdom Justified- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

As long as you base your life choices on the Word of God, time will be your defender and will validate the wisdom of your choices. It is critical that you measure everything you hear against the Scriptures. God's Word is timeless.
Woman in field with arms stretched open - praising god with your whole heart

Praising God With Your Whole Heart

What keeps you from praising God with your whole heart? Are you self-centered, sinful or prideful? Pastor Jesse Bradley shares beautiful insight from Psalm 9 & encourages us to stay bold and on fire for Jesus.
woman running on summer path in nature - following in god's direction

Following in God’s Direction

Following in God's direction isn't always easy, and sometimes doesn't even fully make sense to us. SCH Contributor, Pastor Jesse Bradley, teaches us why following the Father is an important part of growing our faith and learning to trust in Him.