Love in a Busy World

When you’re juggling work, relationships, and faith, balance is always the goal, but there will be times when one area of your life has to take precedence for a time.
true followers of Christ

True Followers of Christ

The evidence of the new birth is the presence of the Holy Spirit within, confirming a person to be God's child. True followers of Christ have experienced this new birth. Have you?

The Gift of Small Things

One of the most amazing gifts that God gives us that often gets overlooked is the gift of small things. Praise Him for the "little" blessings too!
God knows your future

Only God Knows Our Future

Only God knows our future. Though we don't know what tomorrow brings, Jesus came to give us eternal life. Have you accepted His invitation?
choosing your heavenly fragrance. spa and aromatherapy set with rose flowers mortar and spices

Choosing Your Heavenly Fragrance

Choosing your heavenly fragrance means making sure your character is upright & Godly. SCH Contributor Eileen Koff shares how to make sure our character is what it should be.