Goals – Grounded in Grace

We set goals for New Years Resolutions, in our professional lives, and in longterm plans, but SCH Contributor Diane Paddison offers an additional place goal-setting can be useful. She writes, "Goal-setting can be a way to stay focused and consistent in your faith, but it can also be a way of claiming control over your salvation."

A Five Step Cure For The Bad Job Blues

SCH Contributor Diane Paddison discusses how to turn dissatisfaction at work into a growing experience, reminding us that even a challenging work environment has the potential to become an opportunity to honor God.
God measures success. woman camping and writing

How God Measures Success

Do you ever feel like a failure? SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman reminds us that when God measures success, he uses a measuring stick vastly different from our own.
How I Met God in Rome

How I Met God in Rome

A danger Christians face is getting caught up in their "work" for God and lose sight of their relationship with Him. SCH Contributor Diane Paddison shares how God took her from her busyness brought her focus back to His face.
ashamed of the gospel. Bible at breakfast with mugs and plates

Ashamed of the Gospel

Have you ever "tucked Jesus away in the lock box and only take Him out when we feel it’s safe?" like you're almost ashamed of the gospel? SCH Contributor Michael K. Reynolds encourages us to always take pride in our faith and to share our beliefs freely and joyfully.
twist on pruning. White-tailed deer fawn in meadow

A New Twist On Pruning

Here's a twist on pruning: when our Father God prunes us back - by His Word, by His Spirit, by the circumstances and people He puts in our lives - it not only causes growth and fruit in us, but greatly affects the growth in those around us.