A Purposeful Life

In Christ we are saved through His mercy. SCH Contributor Diane Paddison highlights this principle in a story of a man who was kidnapped by rebel soldiers in Southern Sudan. After his subsequent escape, and struggle to survive, he said simply: "I survived because God says I matter."

Can I Pray For You?

Diane Paddison needed the kind of rest that only God can provide. And He did provide - in the form of a stranger who asked "Can I pray for you?" Because of that, Diane's heart was changed and soul refreshed. May you, as well, speak those bold words.
breakfast of fighters. drinking coffee and reading the Bible at sunrise in the mountains

Breakfast of Fighters

Are you prepared for the spiritual battles you will face today? Are you taking in the breakfast of fighters? SCH Contributor, Pastor Kenny Luck reveals the need to establish a correct vision for the day that includes feeding our mind and spirit with spiritual nutrition.
worthy of your focus. Happy woman enjoying the sea from ferry boat crossing Bosphorus in Istanbul

Is it Really Worthy of Your Focus?

SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman asks, "Have you ever noticed how something that seemed so important suddenly loses its power when put in the proper perspective?" What's worthy of your focus? In these moments, she suggests that we allow the Light of faith to guide us from our darkness.
rivers of olive oil. gorgeous horses on beach

10,000 Rivers of Olive Oil

We live in a culture of comparison and our worth becomes measured by how much we do. Do we need 10,000 rivers of olive oil for sacrifice? SCH Contributor Michael K. Reynolds reminds us of the truth of God's unconditional love; we are not compared to each other and our value is the simple fact that we are God's children.