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Trust Versus Fact

"Jesus consistently took the facts that were presented to him and overcame them with the truth of who He is." SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman points out that as humans we tend to base reality on what we see, hear or feel. However, those who are grounded in Christ Jesus, rely on an distinctly different relm of truth.
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Character in Crisis

"It’s one thing to say we follow God, but what really matters is what we decide to do in a crisis." SCH Contributor, Pastor Jesse Bradley reminds us that we don't choose our problems, but we can stay committed to follow God in the midst of them.


SCH Contributor Jeff Barganier shares a vast array of photos depicting breath-taking reflections and reminding us that God's presence in our lives exists in so much more than what we see on the surface.
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The Clean Plate Myth Unraveled

The Smiths have always had a passion for missions work, feeding the hungry and raising awareness to children in need around the globe. In fact, the family’s hearts have been touched so deeply that they took their awareness and turned it into action by creating
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Behind the Mask

Heather Riggleman shares on the issue of keeping up appearances. "For the last eight years–I have painstakingly made the mask of perfection: being the dependable one, being the tough one, being the go-to girl in all situations."
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Never-ending Praise

Yes, most things in this world do not last. Yet, one thing will never decay, never depreciate, never wear out, or cease. The praises of our lips are precious treasures to our King, which keep giving unto him for all time.