rivers of olive oil. gorgeous horses on beach

10,000 Rivers of Olive Oil

We live in a culture of comparison and our worth becomes measured by how much we do. Do we need 10,000 rivers of olive oil for sacrifice? SCH Contributor Michael K. Reynolds reminds us of the truth of God's unconditional love; we are not compared to each other and our value is the simple fact that we are God's children.
why I believe. book open on a beach

Why I Believe

This is why I believe: "The wisdom of the changing seasons; the power of birth and regeneration; the beauty and diversity beyond imagination." SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman reminds us that God’s fingerprints are everywhere.
beautiful bride, groom and dog on a wooded trail. could your marriage use this

Could Your Marriage Use This Cool Glass of Water?

Could your marriage use this wisdom? SCH Contributor Michael K. Reynolds reminds us that even "couples swimming in pools of marital bliss should be striving to strengthen the bond," even through actions as small as getting your spouse a glass of water, and putting their needs before your own.
The Gospel is God's Glad News

The Gospel is God’s Glad News

The Glad News provided in the Gospel for the human race was written by clear revelation from God. It shows us how we can be saved from hell and enjoy eternal life with God.

Righteous Through Faith

God personally paid the price that we owed for violating His laws. It is up to us to joyfully accept that payment.