Four Ways to Find Freedom from Past Mistakes

Regrets from decisions we made earlier in life can weigh us down, holding us in bondage. SCH Contributor Tricia Goyer declares redemption through Christ and the lifting of these burdens through His loving grace and forgiveness.

Find Your Mail Order Mom by Carolyn Dunn

In light of Mother's Day, SCH Contributor Carolyn Dunn asks us to consider what it means to be a mother, and reminds us to be grateful to all the women who have mothered us along the way.

Why Busy May be Bad for You by Carolyn Dunn

Today’s “Busy” could well be described as a boast disguised as a complaint. If you always answer the question "How are you?" with "Busy." It might be time to change your ways. SCH Contributor Carolyn Dunn gives you the tools to change.

Is Heaven For Real? By Tricia Goyer

SCH contributor, Tricia Goyer, tells an encouraging personal story that allowed her to stand firm in her faith. Heaven & God's grace are certainly for real and working in the world today!

Authentic Faith – Giving A Welcome Invitation

Do you feel inadequate because of human failures, injustices or difficult trials? SCH Contributor Kevin Adams shares the importance of setting aside what you know, & keeping your focus on God.