How Not to Worship

Do you only worship God on Sundays? This video is a funny portrayal of the pitfalls people face during worship.

Away From Me – Time in the Psalms

Have you ever struggled to love someone who makes it hard to love? SCH Contributor Pastor Jesse Bradley reminds us through the teachings of Psalm 6 that it is necessary sometime to maintain distance from harmful relationships and instead focus on reciprocal relationships that offer love and forgiveness.

Is It Time to Leave Your Big Excuse Behind?

There are millions of reasons that we don’t accomplish that one big thing we’re destined to do with our lives. SCH Contributor Phil Cooke encourages us overcome the obstacles that are keeping us from accomplishing something wonderful.

Olympics Special: What Race Are You Running?

In the 'final ceremony' of your life, will you be celebrating with Jesus or feeling regret? SCH Contributor Kenny Luck compares an athlete's commitment with the Christian's walk of faith.

God Loved You When He Created You

There is one, and only ONE LIVING GOD. He made all the intricate parts of our being and created us for His purposes and His glory. SCH Contributor Samy Tanagho reminds us we are custom-designed by our Creator with a plan and a purpose.


Would the same God who could cause a bush to burn without being consumed also be able to do what was necessary to deliver a multitude? God's answer was, "I AM!"