Love Manifest – The Power of Touch

For someone who has been told their entire life they are “untouchable”, and their very presence contaminates those around them…in one touch we dispel this lie.

Letting Go and Letting God

Do you sometimes hang on to things that really belong to God? SCH Contributor Jennifer Dukes Lee shares that it takes a leap of faith to allow God to have complete control of our lives and that we should always remember that Jesus never lets go of us.
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Love Manifest Blog – Playground Gospel

In an inspiring Christian moment, a mother recognizes the love of Jesus in an unexpected place: a playground, proving that His love is everywhere, and within everyone, no matter how young.

Love Manifest Blog – Year in Review

Love Manifest, an India-based non-denominational Christian organization, invites all backgrounds, races and religions to experience the manifest Love of Christ without prejudice. Here they reflect on their impressive list charitable contributions from 2013, including their successful orphanage and medical camps for those in need.

Players, Predators, and Parasites

Who are the villains who prey on the innocent, unsuspecting, and vulnerable among us? At times it is hard to know who to trust and how to avoid being manipulated, but SCH Contributor Tracey Mitchell provides a path for you to begin your "healing journey toward wholeness."
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Luck or Grace: The Intersect [Part III]

Do you ever wonder why some people are more blessed than others? In his new book Author Scot C. Taylor delivers a powerful case for grace, offering a powerful witnessing tool for intellectuals who are stuck on the idea of luck.