The Reality of Heaven

Pastor Jesse Bradley teaches on the sure promises of Jesus that anyone who puts their trust in Him will be secure with their eternal destiny (John 3:16). It is not wishful thinking, but is already accomplished by God.
chair by beautiful blue lake, solitude, reflection, peace,

Is God Kicking Over Your Sand Castles?

Michael K. Reynolds builds a reminder that the only things of lasting value our hands have produced are those inspired by His vision. "Me" castles always disappoint.

Hands – The Almost

The Almost, a band full of men who were redeemed of lives they were leading, conveys that when we worship, we should put everything into it in their song "Hands".

Chasen – On and On

Waiting on a miracle? Chasen's On and On offers hope in Jesus Christ while waiting on His plans. "So often we get caught up in ourselves that we forget the bigger picture that God has made for us" - Lead, Chasen Callahan

Remedy Drive – Glory

One of Remedy Drive's most listened to song, Glory, in this acoustic version just makes the song come more alive.

Aaron Shust – To God Alone

From his 2009 album, Take Over, Aaron Shust portrays that everything we do should give glory to God in his song To God Alone. Everything we are should radiate of Him.