he asks her dad. Rear view of bride and father walking down the aisle with people in background during outdoor wedding.

I Hope He Asks Her Dad

Contributor Leslie Means says "I want my girls to have very high standards when they begin to date. And someday when the time comes for them to make one of the biggest decisions in their lives, I hope he asks her dad."
magnificent. Beautiful Little Blond Girl in Summer Garden Magnificent by Heather Beadles


It’s only because of Him that I could ever be Magnificent. He is the one that should be recognized, not me. Only through Jesus is there true Magnificence.
Happy and beautiful woman in sunglasses smiling in sunshine - Is Jesus Enough For You

Is Jesus Enough for You?

It's easy to find fleeting happiness in worldly pleasures, but true joy comes from knowing Jesus Christ. Author & Speaker, Carol Rounds, asks us the question "Is Jesus enough for you?" and shows us why we can't be content with simply fitting Jesus into parts of our life. We need to make Him the center of it!
child and dog diving in pool

When You’re Scared to Take that Leap

Throughout life's journey we come face to face with situations that require the risk of rejection or pain. Jennifer Dukes Lee helps us discover the meaning of true courage & what to do if you're scared to take that leap.
a father teaches his daughter to play guitar

Help Your Child Discover Their Destiny

Living a random life can sound somewhat romantic, but a life of significance doesn’t come at random. SCH Contributor Phil Cooke urges you to help your child discover their destiny.