pretty woman in wide-brimmed hat smiling in the sun

Risk-free Living

Amy Layne Litzelman reflects on the elements of risk & danger present in today's hectic world. Yet there is a place of risk-free living, a place where worry & fear are not an issue.
memorials of faithfulness. Military personnel holding a folded US flag.

Memorials of Faithfulness – Experiencing God Daily Devotional

We may assume that our expressions of devotion to God are small and insignificant, but in God’s eyes they may hold much meaning. God can take your memorials of faithfulness & begin a spiritual legacy, making it a blessing to others for generations to come.
never earned. little girl happily flying the American flag

Given – Never Earned

SCH Contributor Michael K. Reynolds helps us to realize that grace is given and never earned. "It transforms us with a strength much greater than our own and with a vision and a purpose much more profound."
love covers a multitude siblings laughing in the car

Love Covers a Multitude

One of the greatest lessons we can teach our children is the value of relationship & that love covers a multitude of things.
great expectations Small townhouse perennial summer garden

Great Expectations

We can have great expectations! "Jesus said his work of salvation was finished, & he also promised that his disciples would do even greater things than they witnessed him do!" Michael K. Reynolds reminds us of our higher calling & greater purpose to reflect & glorify Jesus Christ.
boldness of Jesus vibrant pink lights on a cliff in Mexico

The Boldness of Jesus

Pastor Jesse Bradley shares on about the boldness of Jesus & how God changed his heart with the powerful revelation that nothing in life could compare to Him & what He was offering. Truly God is the source of all grace.