communion in the flames. beautiful succulents in vibrant colors

Communion In The Flames

In basking in the communion in the flames with our God, Amy Layne Litzelman senses a caution: We must never forget or minimize that He is also a holy and consuming fire.
spiritual spa treatment

The One-Minute Spiritual Spa Treatment

When we're just plain tired of being tired, Michael K. Reynolds urges us take a brief moment out of your busy day, step into our spiritual spa treatment & and invigorate ourselves with the healing touch of God’s Word.
woman sitting in church pew

History of Church Seating

"I’m pretty sure I read somewhere in Leviticus a warning about the ungodliness of a relaxed posterior and the slippery slope of comfortable worship." Once again, SCH contributor Carol Barnier delights us with her wit and humor pertaining to the history of church seating.
God's timing is spot on. pretty antique clock with pink flowers

God’s Timing Is Spot On

Are you always thinking 10 steps ahead? SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman teaches us why it's important to remember God's timing is spot on & can't be rushed.