pray with your husband, couple praying together at sunset by a lake

Do You Pray With Your Husband?

Do you pray with your husband? Heather Riggleman tells us why prayer is essential for any Christ-centered marriage, inviting God into your relationship and uniting you on the spiritual front.
keeping faith first. A picture of a happy woman blowing soap bubbles in the city

Pray: Keeping Faith First

Are priorities straight? Faith, family, relationships, & work. Are you keeping faith first? We all know how our priorities should look, but it can be easy to slip out of balance.
mom's call to character. Happy loving family. Pretty young mother reading a book to her daughters.

A Mom’s Call to Character

Has your relationship with the Lord been put aside since you became a mom? Sue Detweiler shares how a mom's call to character means time with God.
mom smiling while kids kiss her cheeks

Single Moms Take Heart

Single moms, do you ever feel alone? SCH contributor Rhonda Stoppe says single moms take heart, you are not alone because God promises to be a Father to the fatherless.
measure up as a mom. mother and daughter smiling laying in the grass

How Do You Measure Up As a Mom?

Do you find yourself evaluating how you measure up as a mom? Are you burdened by all of the amazing pictures moms post online about the great meal they just made, the cute dress they sewed out of a pillowcase, or the way they put on their makeup with perfection? Rhonda Stoppe shares about what really makes a successful mom.
from a mother to a daughter. special moment between a senior woman and her loving adult daughter standing close together outdoors

Letter from a Mother to a Daughter

The bond between a mother & her child is priceless & unbreakable. This special letter from a mother to a daughter shares an aging mother's heart as she reaches out her hand to share with her daughter about her need for compassion & patience. Happy Mother's Day!