love, friends and airports

Love, Friends and Airports

In love, friends and airports we learn sometimes the very best way to love the people in your life is to get out of the way and let God take charge.
God loved you when he created

God Loved You When He Created the Universe

To say that you & this universe exist by chance is like saying a bunch of strings, drums, & sticks composed a beautiful symphony. God loved you when he created everything.
stop and think

Stop and Think – Francis Chan

World-renowned pastor and author Francis Chan describes that this life is anything but normal. Take a second to stop and think about the world around you.

Francis Chan – The Rope

Francis Chan, author and former senior pastor, shares a creative illustration to make powerful point: are we living for today, or are we focused on eternity?
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Never Satisfied

SCH Contributor, Casey Bombacie warns us to stay grounded in gratitude and avoid giving into the dangers of consumerism and greed.
loving the family you married

Loving The Family You Married

Anyone who has been married will tell you that you have to work at it. Relationships with your in-laws are the same when you love the family you married. Here's godly advice on how to develop healthy relationships with your spouse's family.