The northern lights over the mountains at night - The universe reflects the glory of God

The Universe Reflects the Glory of God

Author & speaker Samy Tanagho describes the intricacies of God's creation. He explains that the universe reflects the glory of God which leads us to worship him.
A group of young women bow their head and pray with bibles. - learning to pray

Learning to Pray

Do you get caught up in your wording or performance when you pray? SCH Contributor Pastor Jesse Bradley uses Psalm 62 to radiate the loveliness of pouring out our hearts to God in authentic prayer.
bridge surrounded by beautiful purple flowers - god's unfailing love for us

God’s Unfailing Love for Us | Crazy Love

God's unfailing love for us is nothing short of the truth, but sometimes we wonder why He loves us. In this excerpt from "Crazy Love", Francis Chan talks about God's love for us, His reasons, and why He chose us as His "glorious inheritance".
morning-dew new life flower budding up from green grass SCH you must be born again

You Must Be Born Again

Certainly, you will enjoy an unimaginable inner peace, which fills your inner most being, but you must be born again.
bible shaped into heart - politically incorrect jesus

The Politically Incorrect Jesus | Part II

"Why don’t we see more of heaven on earth?" SCH Contributor, Author and Radio Host Joe Battaglia challenges us and shares an excerpt from his enticing book, "The Politically Incorrect Jesus".
Pensive woman feeling bored while leaning on a stack of books in a library - God makes all things work for good

God Makes All Things Work Together for Good

Marian Pyle relays that her life is sometimes chaotic and uncertain.Yet God makes all things work together for good. Read this to find out how God makes beauty from brokenness.