Arms Lifting up wooden crosses sunset

A Touch From Jesus

What do you need from Jesus today? Are you willing to fall at His feet and ask? SCH Contributor Debbie Williamson reminds you that desperation has no boundaries and encourages you to let God take care of you in your hour of deepest need.

Surviving the Dry Seasons

Are you experiencing a spiritual drought? SCH Contributor Pastor Jesse Bradley reflects that during the dry times that we can learn to trust God and not to let temptations run our lives.

Abundant Life- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

Jesus wants you to live your life with security, knowing that you are a beloved child of God. If you are not experiencing love, joy, and peace, you have settled for less than what God intends for you. Listen to the Savior’s voice, and you will find true fulfillment.

Unexpected Teachers

Does someone in your life remind you of how to love the Lord? SCH Contributor Michael K Reynolds explains how God teaches you in unique ways through unexpected teachers.

Restoration & Healing

What injuries and setbacks have you experienced? Pastor Jesse Bradley shares that not only does God have enough grace to bring you through difficulty, but enough to help you place both feet on solid ground.

Birth Pangs

When will Christ return? Christ has not revealed exactly when He will come, but He has told us signs to watch for. The time of His coiming is unclear: the fact of His coming is certain. Blackaby Daily Devotional.