The Difference Your Life Can Make

One of the Christian’s greatest deterrents from sin is the life of another Christian. “Minding your own business” will save you some discomfort, but it will not help a brother or sister who needs to return to the Lord.

A Godly Influence

Your life should convince those around you of the wisdom of following God. Do not underestimate the positive effect that your obedience will have upon those close to you.

Love Him, Love Them Not

SCH's newest Contributor Kathy Howard, unravels the complexities of "agape" love and reveals the true meaning of "love thy neighbor" as God intended it to be.
purple lavender field by road on rolling hill, wooden fence, summer.

For God Alone

"If you find yourself being stripped of what you hold close, do not grasp it yet tighter. Release it to the Father, Who can take what we hold dear and truly keep it safe." Loving Inspiration from Author Amy Layne Litzelman.