beautiful purple trees surrounding brown bridge with dim spotlight - only jesus saves

Why Only Jesus Saves | Cults by Francine Rivers

For as long as Christianity has existed, cults have also existed, claiming to offer the truths of life on a shimmering, golden platter. Best-Selling author, Francine Rivers, tackles this subject and reminds us why only Jesus saves.
magestic bald eagle flying above mountains in the sky - find strength from god

Seagulls, Turkeys and Eagles | Find Strength from God

A creature referenced many times in the Bible, it's no wonder our founding fathers chose the majestic, powerful eagle as our national bird. Best-Selling Author, Francine Rivers, reflects upon our nation's political landscape, encouraging us to "mount up with wings like eagles" and find strength from God!

Cults: Killing Time by Francine Rivers

How did the truth become apparent to you? SCH Contributor and New York Times bestselling author Francine Rivers reminds us that while misleading prophets abound, only Jesus saves.