3 Ground Rules for Life-Giving Moms By Sue Detweiler

As a mother, are you ever tempted to define your worth based on your child's behavior? SCH contributor, Sue Detweiler, reminds us that as life-giving mothers our true worth can only flow from the ultimate life-giver, God.


Was Jesus enough for me? Did I allow him to be my breath of life in these last few months when I haven't been able to breathe?
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Train Up A Child In The Way They Should Go

Your children are being taught, but are they being taught well? One of the biggest objections I hear from parents regarding homeschooling their kids is, they just don’t think they can do it. They don’t have th...

Cultivating Faith

"Our kids won’t live godly lives because we commanded them to, it has to be impressed upon them and walked out in front of them." First, we as mothers are to love our God with all our hearts, souls, and stren...