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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: March 14, 2012.

“Was Jesus enough for me? Did I allow him to be my breath of life in these last few months
when I haven’t been able to breathe?”

Life moves along at a steady pace until you’re blind sided from an email, phone call, or a huge mess that you’re child managed to make. I was mindlessly singing words to a beautiful worship song that was reminding me that Jesus is all that I need, when I was caught completely off guard by an unexpected turn of events.

I say mindlessly, because my thoughts were not on God.
I say mindlessly, because my focus was on the pain.
I say mindlessly, because in the moment, He wasn’t enough for me.

The weight and richness of the lyrics (God’s truth) had not connected with my heart, so when that particular email arrived, I was literally in pain; instead the moment should have been curbed with the meaning of the song, “Jesus, you’re enough for me.”

If I had been listening, I would have heard His voice, realizing He is all that I needed, He is enough for me and for that moment. We profess to be Christians, to love God, and love those who really aren’t that lovable; doing it all in honor of Him because He is supposed to be enough for us. He is supposed to supply all that we need…Really? Do we really mean those words?

Okay, hang in there with me for a second! I’ll get to the point, I promise.

Here’s a snapshot of what ‘enough’ looks like:

My husband is getting ready to board a tiny puddle jumper corporate air plane. You know, the kind that end up in the headlines, when it crashes and there are no survivors. Can I smooch him with confidence knowing that Jesus is enough to get me through, that He is all that I need?

My daughter struggles with all things Aspergers, and next year I’ll be feeding her to the lion’s den called Middle School. Will Jesus be enough to help me guide her through the terrain of mean girls, gym teachers, and drama?

My son has been struggling with being still, staying focused, on top of being bullied and left out by a group of boys. Has Jesus been ‘enough’, all that he and I both needed to get through the situation? Besides getting picked on, he has been undergoing evaluations to rule out sensory disorders and ADHD.  The process has been on going since November of last year.

As I sit back, realizing the full weight of the words I was mindlessly singing, was Jesus enough for me? Did I allow him to be my breath of life in these last few months where I haven’t been able to breathe?

In that one moment when I read the hurtful news, I was more focused on the wound, instead of looking to Jesus and saying, “I feel hurt, attacked, and alone, but Jesus, You’re more than enough for me.”

These moments have only been a snap shot of my life journey lately, and apparently life will be filled with more twists and turns. The only way to settle my heart is to make a decision once and for all. No matter what life throws at me is: say it, declare it, focus on it, and stand on it.

Jesus is enough.

All of You is more than enough for
All of me for every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with Your love
And all I have in You is more than enough

You are my supply, my breath of life
Still more awesome than I know
You are my reward, worth living for
Still more awesome than I know

You’re my sacrifice of greatest price
Still more awesome than I know
You’re the coming King, You are everything
Still more awesome than I know

More than all I want, more than all I need
You are more than enough for me
More than all I know, more than all I can see
You are more than enough

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened,
and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9.

2 Responses

  1. Deanna L. Robinson

    As I read your post, I got very still. I could have written your words! We do claim He is enough. Then when life hits you upside your head, it’s like, wait, ok Jesus, this is on You. Next. Then the next event hits, really, right now God? You know I’m dealing with, oh, ok, Jesus You have this, right? Another, ok I have got to stop. Pray, praise God, I get to go through this, for His glory. Aack!!!
    Seriously, those of us that live and proclaim Jesus is enough, can literally have to call upon Him not just daily, but multiple times in a day! We do it with staying on our knees, beginning our day with prayer and His word, and remembering just how big He is!
    Thank you for sharing and pouring your heart out. I know you know, He is enough!
    God’s blessings,

    • Jeney Pribyl

      Though I am sure Erica understands this post completely, it is actually a post from one of our contributors – Heather Riggleman. She’s great (so is Erica!).

      I, too, was very encouraged by this particular blog post. And just to know that we may never be able to expect a trouble-free life this side of eternity, and that it’s okay to stop expecting this to be the case, because we know that Jesus truly is enough – for all things, in all ways, for always.


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