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Finding Hope on the Battlefield

"Those who trust and follow Jesus aren’t lead to a playground, but placed on the battlefield". SCH Contributor, Pastor Michael Hayward conveys a stark reminder that in following Jesus there is sacrifice, there is toil, there is suffering; there is also glory to be witnessed and celebrated.
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Character in Crisis

"It’s one thing to say we follow God, but what really matters is what we decide to do in a crisis." SCH Contributor, Pastor Jesse Bradley reminds us that we don't choose our problems, but we can stay committed to follow God in the midst of them.

From Humble Beginnings

SCH Contributor, Pastor Jesse Bradley affirms God's greater purpose for our lives, our ability to triumph in the face of adversity, to overcome tragedy and delight in His grace despite such humble beginnings.
how to handle a blessing. Vintage country house interior with mirror and a table with a vase and flovers. Interior design with a door and an old chair.

How to Handle a Blessing

"Recognizing that God is the giver of every good thing in your life will help protect your humility." SCH Contributor, Pastor Jesse Bradley offers insight into how to handle a blessing and how we can exist in God's abundant grace yet continue to maintain a level of humility that reflects God's glory.
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An Expression of New Life

"Water baptism honors Jesus & is a time of identification & closeness with our Savior." SCH Contributor, Pastor Jesse Bradley revisits the biblical ritual of baptism & expression of new life, as well as the value it holds in developing a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
listening to God. movies the second week of 2019

Listening To God

It seems we always have time to ask God but do we really want to or take the time to truly listen to what God has to say? SCH Contributor, Jesse Bradley urges us to put listening to God at the top of our forever-growing to-do lists.