Old bible, cross and clock with a candle on a table

Knowing is Half the Battle

When we do not fully trust God we will not be wholly devoted to Him and cannot be obedient to His commands. Pastor Michael Hayward says you cannot win if you only fight half a battle.
not the same without you. A sunday school teacher is reading the Bible to a group of preschool age children

Not the Same Without You

The Bible teaches us that the church is like a body made up of many different parts. We're all necessary & it's not the same without you, without all of us. Pastor Michael Hayward emphasizes that we need to be active in kingdom life, but it needs to be active obedience in what we are each called to do.
half the battle Floral background. artificial flowers in a colorful composition

Knowing is Half the Battle

Having a knowledge of God & fully trusting in His wisdom, sovereignty, & power, are two very different things. Having the knowledge is half the battle . . . but it’s only half. You cannot win if you only fight half a battle.
Two blue birds on a flowered limb at sunrise - sharing faith in the workplace

A False Humility

Pastor Michael Hayward encourages us to view ourselves in light of the glory and work of God for we are a new creation – a product of God’s mercy and grace.
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Dance With Me

Michael Hayward presents a reminder to excuse yourself from your other partners in this dance and be alone in an lively, spirited walk with Jesus.

Holiday Worship – A Whole New Meaning

"Which traditions will you carry on during the holidays?" SCH Contributor, Pastor Michael Hayward, begs the question...."What kind of legacy will you leave?" Do your holiday traditions lean torwards idolatry or true worship of the one whose birth started it all?