August 16th – American Minute – Charles Finney

Charles Finney died AUGUST 16, 1875. An attorney, Finney saw so many Scripture references in Blackstone's Law Commentaries that he bought a Bible and came to faith. "Politics are a part of a religion in such a country as this, and Christians must do their duty to their country as a part of their duty to God.”

August 7th – American Minute – The Second Great Awakening

The Second Great Awakening had "camp meetings," similar to Scottish "Holy Fairs," where teams of open-air preachers rotated in a continuous stream of sermons. The largest town in Kentucky had less than 2,000 people, yet 25,000 came to Cane Ridge, Kentucky, AUGUST 7, 1801, from as far away as Ohio, Tennessee, and the Indiana Territory, to hear the preaching.