September 16th – American Minute – The Mayflower Sets Sail

SEPTEMBER 16, 1620, according to the Gregorian Calendar, 102 passengers set sail on the Pilgrims' ship, Mayflower. Their 66-day journey of 2,750 miles encountered storms so rough the beam supporting the main mast cracked and was propped back in place with "a great iron screw."

September 14th – American Minute – Rev. John Harvard

Son of a butcher, his family died when a plague swept England, leaving him an estate. He attended Emmanuel College, was ordained, married and sailed for Massachusetts where he pastored the First Church of Charlestown. At age 31, he died of tuberculosis on SEPTEMBER 14, 1638. His name was Rev. John Harvard.

September 12th – American Minute – Thomas Cooley

The dean of the University of Michigan Law School was Thomas Cooley, who died SEPTEMBER 12, 1898. Thomas Cooley was Chief Justice of Michigan's Supreme Court, President of the American Bar Association and the first Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission. His commentaries were influential in shaping American law.

September 11th – American Minute – Enemies of Freedom

On SEPTEMBER 11, 2001, Islamic terrorists hijacked passenger jets. Two were flown into New York's World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon and one crashed in Pennsylvania. "Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, and freedom will be defended,"