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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: January 3, 2012.

Hello everyone! I hope your Christmases were merry, bright, and full of Love! To kick off 2012, I have a fun, simple craft your family can do to unwind from the holidays. This is a great activity for a rainy winter day, especially if the kiddos are still on Winter Break!

You know your salad spinner, the one sitting forlorn in the cupboard as you tear through leftover holiday treats? You didn’t think that was only for spinning lettuce, did you? You did? Well, I have news for you! Salad Spinners are a most excellent artistic tool, and can create festive, explosive paintings in seconds. The method is so simple a toddler can easily create a painting, yet so fun that a certain adult (ahem) spent waaaaay to much time spinning gleefully in her bedroom.

Without further ado, I give you the Salad Spinner Paint Project! Happy New Year, and enjoy!

Salad Spinner Painting

-salad spinner
-water-based paint in various colors (tempura is best)
-masking tape
-black construction paper


  1. Cut the paper into a square that will fit comfortable in bottom of your spinner.
  2. Fold a piece of masking tape and attach to paper. Attach paper with to the bottom of the spinner.
  3. Take your paint and randomly squirt big globs onto the paper. If you have a color wheel handy, this would be a great time to use it to mix colors. (Example: layering yellow on blue paint will make green once spun.) I also threw on some glitter, just because I love it so.
  4. Place the lid securely onto the spinner, and SPIN! You can spin for 10-15 seconds (great opportunity to practice counting!).
  5. Open the spinner, and admire your masterpiece! Feel free to add more paint and spin again, or remove the piece and make another one!

Blessings for 2012!

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