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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: July 25, 2017.

Are you in awe of God? When we see the name “God”, does it bring to mind ideas of awe and reverence, or have we become indifferent to His name?  Is it just another word to us, or does it conjure up words of praise and worship and a high view of God?

When we see the name “God”, does it bring to mind ideas of awe and reverence, or have we become indifferent to His name?  Is it just another word to us, or does it conjure up words of praise and worship and a high view of God?

When we think of God, we should be awe-inspired. God is so great, so awesome, and so powerful that we simply can’t comprehend Him! When we think of Him, we should be in awe because He doesn’t fit in the confines of our brain. He’s beyond our imagination.

God created the complexity of the eye. He created the self-dependency of the human body. He created the balance of earth’s ecosystems. He created the variety of earth’s climates. He created the moon, the stars, and this entire galaxy. He created the universe and everything that man hasn’t discovered yet.

Yes, we serve an awesome God!

Watch this video by Francis Chan and be awed by God, who He is, and what He’s done.


Afterward, check out this insightful video by Matt Chandler!




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