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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: May 1, 2013.

In a world filled with walking, breathing, leaking barrels of gunpowder, one stray spark can cause a whole lot of damage. Relationships can be destroyed. Spirits can be crushed. Hope can fade away.

And time is running short.

We live in a stressful society where keeping up with the Jones is more than sport, it’s an insatiable obsession. We’re riding the treadmills at top speeds too terrified to risk finding out what would happen if we ever hit that emergency stop button and tried a different approach.

And as we churn our lives away chasing the elusive cheese down the endless maze we miss one of our most important daily assignments: Tending to those hurting people around us.

Quality of life is not measured by our accomplishments or the things we possess, but rather by the positive influence we have on others.

Which means in a world which is depressed, stressed and regressing, the harvest is more than plentiful.

God loves a peacemaker. He loves those who encourage, who lift up others and who can bring Light into the darkness.

Every day we’re surrounded by a society desperate for the peace of God. If we can just stop and listen for a moment, we’ll hear the ticking, we’ll see the countdown of the timers, the explosives strapped to their bodies.

We need to stop believing it’s someone else’s responsibility. Someone more qualified, more stable, more righteous. We’ve been strategically placed in the lives of our friends, family and colleagues for a reason.

Take out the wire cutters and care enough to devote the time to learn the specific need. We can’t get sloppy. It’s too important a job to rush. Is it the blue wire or the red wire?

It could be a word of encouragement, lending an ear, a reading of Scripture, an invitation, an act of hospitality, a piece of wisdom, a prayer, a sharing of the Gospel or even a loving rebuke. If we listen to His prompting we’ll know exactly what to do.

The only way we really fail is if we lack the courage or the will.

Every day is a blue wire, red wire day. And every day is our opportunity and privilege to make a difference in the lives of others.




Flow into more daily encouragement ~  Would Jesus Wear Relaxed Fit Jeans?


Michael K. Reynolds is the writer and producer of Emmy and Telly Award-winning film campaigns and has more than two decades of experience in fiction, journalism, copywriting, and documentary production. He owns Global Studio, a marketing agency, and is also an active leader in church and business, speaking in both ministry and corporate settings. Michael lives with his wife and three children in Reno, Nevada.

One Response

  1. Pamela

    Fantastic piece. I hope many people read enjoy and meditate on what is really important in life.


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